
Laura Kreiger


Laura Kreiger

When Laura approached us for the project, we’re always happy to serve a returning client. With this project, she needed a small website to promote her practice as a psychotherapist. In regards of the practice field she’s in, we decided to go with a concept of emphasizing comfort, simplicity, directness, and the soothing effects of nature encapsulated in a full CSS-driven website.

Click here to visit her website.

Glory Printing


Glory Printing

Glory Printing is one of our latest website redesign works. When Glory Printing was referenced to us by one of our friends, we immediately know that as an established printing shop in Australia, it needed a substantial upgrade to its aging website, it also needed more prominent colors and attraction to its visitors, simply put, an overhaul. So that is exactly what we did, an entire redesign project from scratch.




One of our ongoing projects that we’ve been working on for more than 6 months was Pixily. And today, the guys over there just turned their switch to fully on, and Pixily is now live as a fully working service.

Since we helped the creation of Pixily right from the beginning, by designing their corporate identity and prototyping their website, this launch has been exciting for us as well. We are equally satisfied that Pixily generated positive responses not only from their users and potential users, but from the media as well. That means both of our hard work has finally paid off.

Our best wishes to Prasad Thammineni and the rest of the Pixily team for making their dreams finally a reality. More details of the work will be published in the future on our portfolio section.

Several months ago, Neuro-Designs was contracted to build a green certification directory website. With a custom database-based platform, features a comprehensive list of a community-driven list of green certifications available in the entire world, along with a discussion forum for their members to participate.

Multi Viscomindo


Multi Viscomindo Identity

Recently last week, we just finished the identity and collateral designs for Multi Viscomindo, a new digital printing raw materials distribution company.