

Our latest logo design project was something that commissioned by PlaceVine, a Philadelphia-based company that runs in the art and entertainment business. As a growing company that has been lucky enough to work with several notable overseas clients, PlaceVine would be the first logo design that we did remotely. And doing a project with these guys has been fun, fast, and a brand new experience for us altogether.

For PlaceVine, as a true believer of the term “less is more”, we redefined the elements required for this logo to its simplest form. The circles are actually simplified shapes that form film rolls, resembling those on top of movie cameras. Add them up with a matching type, an organic look and color that reflects the name and the philosophy behind it, and there we go, a complete identity for a new startup company that will hopefully, create a bold statement in their business.

For more information about their company, visit
For more information about this project, click here.


Our latest redesign project was done for mbaMission, an MBA programs admission consulting firm, who needed a cleaner, more syntactic and modern look for its old site, and also a navigational system redesign. For this project we kept the focus on building a content-rich website with clean graphics, and an easy navigation to ease user experience. At the same time, we also performed a lot of system upgrades, including a blog engine replacement and a Search Engine Optimization process.

bank kesejahteraan // annual report 2006

On the 16th of May, which was last week, the production of Bank Kesejahteraan’s 2006 Annual Report has finally reached to its end, and we got it delivered to our client on schedule. This was our first ever annual report project, and we are pleased to know that our client is very satisfied with the turnaround, so our few weeks of hard work really paid off. The book will also be included in this year’s Annual Report Award held by Bank Indonesia, so we hope it could do its best on the event.

Click here to see more images on the project.

Today we officially launched the official website for GKI Pondok Indah’s Komisi Pemuda. We started this pro-bono project around a month ago alongside with the PI Cup 2007 and with the support from the Komisi Pemuda, in the effort to create a less formal website for the church’s youth community. The website itself, featuring the official colors of the committe, includes a variety of information centered in a single hub. From upcoming events to the schedule for the next week’s service, daily readings, to member forums that are open to public. Hopefully, this website will be able to create a bigger and better fellowship as well as a tighter bond between the Komisi Pemuda members.


Today we did the first photo session for the upcoming 2006 Annual Report of Bank Kesejahteraan, which we are currently designing. And like usual, we handed the job over to our trusty photographer partner, Utama Putranto. The session started a bit late, but ended sooner that we expected thanks to the great cooperation and coordination from the client. Tomorrow will be the second session which will be a lot longer to complete. So if we did this right, we might come up with our first annual report design. A good one, of course.